Friday, April 12, 2013

The Floor Has Never Looked So Good!

This post is late, very late but hopefully this post will help you get stuff done!

My room was a mess, a very very big mess, and it was terrible, i had such a small space to live i couldn't do anything. I had my bed, part of my desk, and a "pathway" to my bed from the door. I'm not sure howI lived with it, i just know that changing it scared me.

Wednesday night i decided to employ Stephanie's method of cleaning aka put everything on your bed and then clean the floor then put stuff away method.


So, i started by putting everything in baskets- everything and then those baskets went on my bed (i liked this part best, it greatly discouraged me from getting part way in and giving up and going to sleep, because i couldn't!), then i picked up all the little pieces (bobby pins, buttons, bits of kleenex really anything that didn't get picked up with the normal stuff) and throwing away what needs to be thrown away. Those chem notes from senior year of high school? you don't need them, movie stubs from 2009? trash can! all of those empty bottles? you had best believe you can make a slam dunk right into that trash bag.

once i had done this and cleared away most the floor i vacuumed it up!

i started working on my closet next, this was the biggest scary part of my room. one door was broken and could on my open, the other door was broken and could only be closed. so i sucked it up, moved my shoe rack out of the way then i pushed the door that was closed as open as it could then i pushed everything out into the middle of the floor.

the amount of stuff i got into my decently medium small closet was completely ridiculous. so i put everything in a basket and put it on my bed. then i vacuumed the floor of it and got everything down from the very top shelf. i hung up the clothes that needed to be hung up, and put my stuffed animals and blankets on the floor of my closet.

that was done for now, so i moved onto the spot where i was keeping my books.

i wish i knew how i got so much stuff over there, but i did get everything out of there and into those fold-it-yourself office boxes (three plus four general boxes that already had books), also i put all my yarn into one yarn box (i had ended up with three knitting bags and a tub of yarn, now it's all in the tub except one bag with current projects).

i was hanging things up left and write and putting things in the trash and also where they needed to be. i'm not even entirely sure what all was over there, but i'm glad it's gone and consolidated.
it was still pretty messy, BUT YOU COULD SEE THE FLOOR!! which was a major improvement, at this point i really wanted to stop, but i pushed myself to keep going knowing that if i did stop i wouldn't finish it. so i pushed on, i don't even know how many trash bags i took out of my room, but it was A LOT. and i emptied every single basket (except for one but that's for other reasons).

I put like things together and actually hung stuff up and put stuff away in my dresser. there's currently no trash on the floor (as long as we don't count under my bed, i can't actually do that right now mainly due to the fact that i can't move my bed at all).

EVERYTHING IS SO CLEAN!! (i'm still working on my desk, and the end of my bed looks messy but it's a 100% improvement to what it was, i just don't have a place to put my books). i celebrated by hooping to the west wing, and i didn't hit anything!

i could not believe it! i could move about my room, i could walk with my eyes closed and not hit anything. And i did it all myself! that's probably the best part, it just makes me feel so good to accomplish something.

and yes, i know you were wondering if there was a music playlist i was listening to. and you will never guess what it was!
I was raised with country for most of my life, how on earth could i ever give it up?!

so? here's a challenge for you, just to start small. look around and find five items that aren't in their places, go and put them away!

Happy cleaning!
XOXO   Lauryn


exercise tip: don't have time to go to the gym? don't have a gym? grab your backpack and do some squats! you can adjust the weight by putting books in and out.


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