Saturday, December 14, 2013

Advent day 14

Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum?

I'm eating one right now! Candy Canes are my all time favourite, there is no better candy, or ice cream, or scent, or taste. Come to think of it, I really want peppermint ice cream now...

I go through so many boxes of candy canes every winter, I'd tell you how many but I haven't kept count, also I've had too many to really know!

Nothing makes the christmas season like hundreds upon hundreds upon thousands of Candy Canes! If you haven't had any yet, I suggest going and getting some right now. There is no reason to wait on this, Christmas will not continue with out Candy Canes.

                                                               xoxo Lauryn

Friday, December 13, 2013

Advent: Day 13

Real tree, fake tree, or no tree? 

Every year I have had a real tree, except this year.... I love real trees, I would have a real tree every year if it was up to me! I love walking I to my house and being bombarded by the wonderful smell! I think they look fantastic as well! Unfortunately this year my parents stopped giving into my lust for real trees and bought a fake one :((( 

One of my favorite Christmas memories is going to the Christmas tree farm and picking a tree and chopping it down with my papa. We did that when I was little and I love that I have that memory. It is really satisfactory to not only pick your own tree but cut it down! Granted I was little so there was super cute pretending to cut pictures when it was really my papa cutting it down. Whatever you deside about a tree I hope it brings you joy! Merry Christmas! 

Xoxo Tessa

Monday, December 9, 2013

Advent: Day 9

Combat boots or Uggs? 

Combat boots or Uggs is a serious shoe question, I mean it is quite mind boggling for me! I wear both types of boots all the time. They both have pros and cons but I think over all I am going to have to go with Uggs. I'm going with Uggs because of the coziness factor. They are so warm and comfy it's like a nice warm hug for your feet! I wear my Uggs as soon as the temperature drops just a tad haha the are a perfect winter shoe in that my feet have never been cold while wearing them! Merry Christmas! 

Xoxo Tessa

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Advent:Day 7

What is your most worn sweater? 
My most worn sweater is this Texas A&M sweatshirt! I am an Aggie supporter! I got this sweatshirt in the airport on one of my many trips to Texas and I wear it constantly! I love this color first off so it's a go to for me and it reminds me of Texas. And let's be honest Texas makes me feel all warm and cozy so what better quality for a sweatshirt to have. It is also extra big so it's nice to cuddle up in. I have had it for many years and don't know what I would do with out it! 
Merry Christmas! 

Xoxo Tessa 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 6 of the Christmas Advent!

What is winter weather like where you live?

Cold! So cold! That is unless you have lived anywhere else in the world where it gets colder than 25 degrees Fahrenheit. Today the low is 32, my windshield had frost on it this morning. This is not what I've ever pictured for a white christmas. Frost on the grass instead of snow everywhere. My town has not seen snow in 15 years, it's snowed 48 times in the past 107 years. 

We have the possibility for snow tomorrow, although I doubt it, snow has been predicted nearly every winter. Of course, every year I hope for snow, but I also don't know how to act in snow or dress for snow. 

While snow would be great, the area I live in is highly populated by citrus fruit. Who doesn't love an orange in their stocking? Well, this promised cold is not good for those of us who actually like getting citrus on christmas.

photo from
My winter is more prone to fog, yes, fog. Fog so thick you can't see across the rode, forget about being able to see the end of your car. Nearly everyone drives super slow with their windows down. 

And yes, I do wear shorts and short sleeves year round, sometimes I put on a light jacket! Although, a sweatshirt is generally what I wear with some sort of jean or legging tucked into boots.

xoxo Lauryn

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Advent: Day 5

What is your favorite Christmas food? 
(Picture from 

My favorite Christmas food hands down, 100% is candy canes!!!!! I LOVE candy canes they are my favorite candy in the world. I eat way too many at any chance I get. I go to the grocery store and scope them out before the holidays just waiting for them to magically appear. I have always loves candy canes and my infatuation has only grown over the years. I stock pile them at the end of the holiday season when they go on sale just to try and preserve the holidays a bit longer. 

I even take candy canes to a whole new level! I have candy cane scented candles, lotion, body spray, Chapstick, and wall plug-in for my room. Without candy canes I just don't feel Christmas would be the same. I hope you all enjoy a few during the holiday season!! 

Xoxo Tessa 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Advent: Day 4

What is the best fragrance for winter?
(Photo from 

Peppermint, peppermint, peppermint! Peppermint everything! If it's not peppermint, it's not winter. There is no other answer for this question. I love everything about it, the smell, the memories, eating it, drinking it in almost everything! 
The colours of peppermint, the crunch of the candy, the taste, the perfection! Thinking about the name though, peppermint should be completely different. It should be a combination of pepper and spearmint, or winter mint, or  whatever other mint there is. 
Peppermint happens to be the only "mint" that I like, actually I love it. I really, really love it! Where as I greatly dislike all the other mints. Only peppermint will do, and only peppermint I shall have!

Xoxo Lauryn

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Advent: Day 3

What is the best winter memory you have? 
(From I am so sad I don't have any pictures from the houses we looked at) 
I have always loved the holidays, especially Christmas! One of my favorite winter memories was during December when I was younger, about 11. My cousins and I were super close, they were like my brothers and sisters. I would often go to their house to hang out and play. As I have said I am very festive and love all things merry, so it was quite a treat that the street next to my cousins house was always shining bright with extravagant lights during the holiday season. Every single house was dressed up with lights and blow up figures and so much more! I loved going and just being in awe of it all. I remember one night my aunt, uncle, all my cousins, my mom and I set out and walked around the tiny street and it was as if I had walked into the North Pole. It was absolutely fabulous and it is one of my favorite winter memories! 

Xoxo Tessa 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Advent Day 2!

 Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
While I am not a fan of chocolate, I do on occasion enjoy a nice hot cup of cocoa. However, my love of coffees and teas will not be denied, I have multiple blends of several christmasy drinks. I look forwards to these every year, my favourite wintery tea being peppermint. There is just something about drinking a candy cane that I find to be incredibly inviting.

One christmas season several years ago, I can no longer remember, my family and I went to pick out a christmas tree. They had big ones, smaller ones, fat, skinny, and of course the flocked ones. What more could my small Central Valley town need
Image from
than fake snow on their trees? I believe this was the year my family got our first flocked tree, which also happened to be our last flocked tree. While completely inaccurate, the tree was gorgeous, there is almost nothing better than a Christmas tree with snow on it, it made me feel as though I lived where it actually snowed.

This particular year my family went to a family owned diner/restaurant in my town, we all ordered hot chocolate and sat at the table talking and laughing and feeling the special magic of christmas.

xoxo Lauryn

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advent: Day 1

What is your favorite candle scent for the holidays? 
(Picture is from

My favorite holiday scent for the holidays is "Tis the Season" by Bath and Body Works! It is a strong scent but not over powering. It smells so great, I am personally not a fan of sweet smells they make me nauseous so this one is right up my ally! It is like Christmas in a candle. The pine and spice are such a treat for my nose. The instant I get the opportunity I start lighting my holiday scents. Smell is a something that really connects to the holidays for me. I love the smell of peppermint and Christmas tress too!  It makes me giddy and excited. The candles give me feel a sense peacefulness. "Tis the Season" is currently on my nightstand ready for action. It is fantastic and I highly recommend you guys check it out! 

Xoxo Tessa