Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum?
I'm eating one right now! Candy Canes are my all time favourite, there is no better candy, or ice cream, or scent, or taste. Come to think of it, I really want peppermint ice cream now...
I go through so many boxes of candy canes every winter, I'd tell you how many but I haven't kept count, also I've had too many to really know!
Nothing makes the christmas season like hundreds upon hundreds upon thousands of Candy Canes! If you haven't had any yet, I suggest going and getting some right now. There is no reason to wait on this, Christmas will not continue with out Candy Canes.
xoxo Lauryn
I go through so many boxes of candy canes every winter, I'd tell you how many but I haven't kept count, also I've had too many to really know!
Nothing makes the christmas season like hundreds upon hundreds upon thousands of Candy Canes! If you haven't had any yet, I suggest going and getting some right now. There is no reason to wait on this, Christmas will not continue with out Candy Canes.
xoxo Lauryn