Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Learning to Crochet

When it comes to someone’s birthday I like to give heartfelt gifts, I always have. I think that they mean more when the gift has a personal connection. Well my mom’s birthday was last week and I wanted to of course carry on the tradition. So I thought that I would make her a mug cozy (click here for pattern). Lauryn had shown me the pattern and talked about how easy it was so I thought that it would be a breeze. Well at the beginning it wasn’t hard, I did have to learn how to use a cable needle but it was quite simple. It was a simple follow the pattern. It was time consuming but it was really coming along great. Then I got to the last row and it went DOWN HILL. I looked at it and was like they want me to do what to finish it???? 

So being the perfectionist that I am and not knowing how to do it I just hid it in my closet because in there it would obviously fix its self. Well a few weeks past and well it’s now the night of August 16th my mom’s birthday is the 17th so I should really figure out what I am going to do. So I call Lauryn while at my wits end to talk me through how to finish this cozy. Well to finish it you have to crochet. This would be no big deal IF I KNEW HOW TO CROCHET! So I’m thinking many …colorful… words. Lauryn sent me the link to this truly awesome tumbler site (click here to go to it) so I could learn the basics a.s.a.p. Between the lovely internet, Lauryns fabulous direction over facetime and a pattern I finally got the tea cozy complete at about 2:30am on the 17th. I was a complete mess trying to learn how to crochet. But it gets better. 

This past weekend I took a spur of the moment trip up to Reedley to visit all of my friends up there that I was missing SO MUCH. Lauryn of course being one of those friends, when we visited she taught me how to crochet much better and several different stitches that I didn’t know.  Crocheting is something that I have given many minimal effort attempts at learning over the years and just never really accomplished anything but how to avoid projects that required it. Now having practiced and actually given an effort to learn it I like it a lot! I’m very excited to see what project doors my new skill will open. I can’t wait to start a crochet project! If you don’t know how to do something like certain stitch or skill don’t just avoid projects with them like I did. You are just limiting yourself! Find help and learn it! It will be worth it I promise!

P.S. My mom LOVED the mug cozy!

 xoxo Tessa 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back to School Mug Cozy!

That's right, it's that time again, school is starting! While you are getting your new binders and folders be sure to pick up some new yarn (my local Walmart carries Simply Soft- one of my favourite brands). You can browse Ravelry (be sure to add me!!) or google for something neat to make. This pattern is one of my favourites to make, it only takes a few hours and it looks adorable.
also look at the adorable pincushion I made

This pattern is pretty simple although it looks challenging. Just read the instructions and go slowly, you will impress your friends and families and they make great gifts for anyone who uses a mug and either doesn't want to burn their hands or wants to show off adorable things.